SEQAS South East Queensland Astronomical Society

SEQAS provides many free community activities, such as Urban Observers, Dark Sky nights and away camps. Come on in and see the stars, planets, nebulae, and galaxies in the night sky. 

We can help you make the right decision when looking to buy a telescope or give you some guidance in using your telescope if you are having problems with handling it. Our members have many years of experience in the field of amateur astronomy and we would love to help you get the most out of this fascinating hobby. :)

Upcoming Events


Name Date Description
Watts Bridge Airfield Weekend Camp
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Aug. 2, 2024 | 12:00 Enjoy a long weekend away for some dark sky observing - 4 days for those able to stay until the Monday BYO evereything
Committee Meeting
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Aug. 5, 2024 | 19:00 Open to SEQAS members - contact a committee member for details
General Meeting
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Aug. 20, 2024 | 19:30 Skype and face-to-face


It was recently decided that school nights would recommence in 2023 - dates are yet to be confirmed. We will be looking for club member's help in supporting these nights - so have a think about it over the Christmas break [see School Nights for more info.]

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Recent News

July 2024

This coming weekend (Fri July 5th - Mon Jul 8th), the club will be holding a weekend camp at Watt's Bridge - details were recently sent out to all members. These camps are a great opportunity to observe the night sky under darker sky conditions then we experience in Brisbane, and a chance for members to share tips and information with other members in a friendly setting for a few days. Unfortunately, the weather plays a major part in our activity, so keep an eye out for email updates closer to the weekend.

An Urban Observers session is scheduled for Sat 13th July. Gates will open around 4:30pm - check the facebook page closer to the time for further details.

The much anticipated Astro-Quiz will be held at the next general meeting, Tuesday 16th July at the Bracken Ridge Library, starting at 7:30pm. Pizza and drinks will be available for those at the meeting prior to tackling a range of questions related to all things Astronomical - members are encouraged to attend if possible to participate in what should be a great night.

A copy of the new constitution and by-laws approved by the Department of Justice and Attorney-General (3rd May 2024) is now available in the member's content area.

March 2024

By now, members should have received an email with details of a special resolution to be tabled at the next general meeting Tuesday 19th March 2024 re the need to update the club's constitution. Your vote is important and we asking members, if possible, to please attend the meeting in person, however skype will still be available for those wishing to attend online.

This coming weekend will be our first weekend camp of the year at Watt's Bridge - again details have been sent out to all members. At this stage, the weather is not looking great and a decision on going ahead or not will be made sometime on Thursday.

It seems that members and public were just itching to get out and look at the night sky - the Urban Observers night that was scheduled in last Saturday 2nd March to replace the previously cancelled evening was very well attended with no less than 20 telescopes on the field and quite a large number of first time viewers. Evening was thouroughly enjoyed by everyone there even though we did finish somewhat early as clouds moved in. Next event is planned for March 16 - see Events for more info.

February 2024

Unfortunately, the Malayalee multicultural "Taste of the Word" festival which was to be held this coming Saturday 10th February 2024 has had to be moved to a date later in the year which will clash with our dark sky weekend camp - this means that SEQAS will not be supporting the event at this time.

The next Urban Observers session is scheduled for Sat 17th February - check the facebook page closer to the time for further details.

Next general meeting will be Tuesday 20th Feb at the Bracken Ridge Library, starting at 7.30pm - Skype will also be available.

Details of this year's photo competition will appear in the coming newsletter and will be presented at the meeting.

January 2024 - Update

The Malayalee multicultural "Taste of the Word" festival is being held on Saturday 10th February 2024 from 2:00 pm to 8:00 pm. This is an activity that SEQAS has supported in the past. SEQAS is looking to set up a small display to showcase the club and its various activities. The club will be setting up a couple of solar scopes for afternoon viewing of the sun, and then later, a couple of normal telescopes for some early evening viewing.

More details will be presented at the meeting this Tuesday 16th Jan - if you are able to offer some time to help with setting up or manning the display, please let the President or other committee member know asap.

January 2024

Welcome to 2024 - the first Committee meeting will be held this coming Monday 8th Jan. Remember, these meetings are open to anyone to attend, so if your interested in seeing what goes on behind the scenes, contact a committee member to get details and come along.

Whilst we haven't had a great start to the year weatherwise, an Urban Observers session is planned for Saturday 20th Jan - see Facebook page for further details closer to the event.

A general meeting will be held at the Bracken Ridge Library on Tuesday 16th Jan starting at 7.30pm - Skype will also be available.

Last year, the club introduced a photo competition to encourage members to have a go at taking photos of their favourite astronomical objects - the competition will be run again this year with winners being announced at the end of year breakup. More details will be presented at the upcoming general meeting. The winning entries of last year's competition will feature in the January 2024 newsletter.

Last year, the club also held its first school night since the lean covid years. Hopefully, this year will see a return of school nights and other public activities - think about how you may be able to help.

Do you have something to share with other members - we are always on the lookout for member contributrion's. Maybe a small presentation at a monthly meeting or if not able to do so in person, maybe a newsletter article. Members of the committee would be glad to help you prepare.

SEQAS Facebook

Urban Observers!



Any email regarding this site can be sent to the webmaster. Last Updated: July 2021. This site is © SEQAS 2014, All Rights Reserved. Website designed by Alex Colvin